IELTS Speaking Test (SFH)



  • This test consists of 3 Tasks
  • Record your answers by activating the record functionality in your browser
  • Press the record icon when you want to record an answer
  • Press the play button to start recording
  • Press the pause button to stop the recording and download your recorded answer
  • Upload the file to submit your answer

    Supported Devices
  • are fully supported.
  • Mobiles are partially supported (landscape mode only), for best exam taking experience please consider using a PC or a laptop.

Part 1


Task 1 Now, in this first part of the test I'm going to ask you some questions about yourself.


Can I have your name please?

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Where do you live?

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What do you like about the place?

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Q.4 Are you a spiritual person?

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Q.5 Do you pray often?

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Q.6 Where do you usually pray?

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What are some famous holy places in your country?

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What wild animals do you like?

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Do you have a pet?

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Have you ever visited a zoo?

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Do you like seeing animals in the zoo?

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Do you think it is important for children to visit the zoo?

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Part 2


Task 2 

Now, I am going to give you a topic and I’d like you to talk about it for 1-2 minutes. Before you talk you’ll have one minute to think about what you are going to say and you can make notes if you wish. Do you understand? Here’s some paper and a pencil to make notes, and here is your topic.


Describe an unusual meal you had. You should say:

  • When you had it
  • Where and with whom you had it
  • What was it
  • How did you feel after having it.

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Part 3


Task 3 You have told me about this unusual meal and I'd now like to ask you some questions related to this.


Have eating habits changed over a period of time in your country?

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What is the traditional food of your country?

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Is fast food very popular in your country?

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How do you think science & technology has changed the food industry?

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What are the benefits & drawbacks of availability of foreign food in your country?

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