


  • There are 40 questions on this question paper.
  • Each question carries one mark.
  • Dedicate no more than 20 minutes to each section
  • The answers are to be written in lowercase
  • The test duration is 60 minutes
  • Complete answering questions from all 3 Sections before clicking on the Submit button

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Image result for evolution of robots



1.1 Introduction

Wouldn’t it be cool to have a robot that could help you with all of your daily work? Imagine your life with a robot as your companion? They’s be able to help you with folding your clothes, cleaning up your room. Hey, it would even be able to play cricket with you. And the best part the robot would unquestioningly follow each and every one of your orders!

So do you think you would be able to build your very own C3PO, like Anikin? Well, be sure you don't forget to cover up all of the parts of your robot!

1.2 But, what exactly is a Robot?

Whenever we hear the word robot, we all picture something in our mind, for some people the word robot brings to mind popular fictional characters like C3PO, R2D2 and BB8 from Movies like Starwars.

Others who grew up watching TV in the 90's will think of Rosie the robotic maid from the Jetsons or Robocop the robotic police officer.

Similarly, moviegoers in India would remember fondly Sharukh Khan’s  RA.One and Rajnikant’s Robot.

Robots have been a staple in action movies Right from Terminator in the 90's to the recent Transformer movies in the 21st century..


What about you? What comes to your mind when you hear the word ROBOT?


What is a robot? 

Can you think of any examples of robots?

What do you think makes robots different from other machines?



1.2.1 Origin of the word ‘Robot’

Do you know where the “word” comes from? As you might have guess the term “Robot” is a relative newcomer to the English language. It was coined by Karel Čapek (1880-1938) a Czech playwright, novelist and journalist.

On on 25 January 1921 his play, “R.U.R., or Rossum’s Universal Robots”, premiered, it was the first time the term Robot was used. By 1923 this play became world-famous, in a way this play created the trope of robots revolting against their human creators and taking over the world.

However, the origin of the word “Robot” is drawn from an old Church Slavonic word, Robota which meant “servitude,” “forced labour” or “drudgery.” Back in the middle ages all over Europe in exchange for being allowed to live on the land peasants would do all sorts of farm work in lieu of paying rent, this work was termed as robota.

Thus historically robots have always been seen as a kind of mechanical slave to make our lives easier.  

1.2.2 Is the mainstream idea about Robots correct?

It’s no wonder, for many, the word robot conjures an image of a mechanical being clad in metal, adorned with all sorts of blinking lights and buttons, and even a funny-sounding voice. Indeed, such robots have become stock characters in science fiction stories, novels, films, and television shows.

But, is that correct? Let’s put that description to the test! Activity

Which among the following is not a robot?


A) Boston Dynamics' "Spot"

B) NASA's Curiosity Rover on Mars

C) A Fully Automatic Washing Machine

D) Boston Dynamics' "Atlas"

E) Yaskawa Motoman MH24

F) The Roomba 980 Floor Cleaner


Have you taken a good look at the Images above? Great! now we have a couple of questions that we want you to answer. Please record a video of yourself answering our questions.


Describe what you think a robot is?

What makes a Robot Special and different from other machines?

Do think any of the above images are not Robots?

Explain to us why you think it is or is not a robot. 
