Why is Food a great conversation topic?



  • There are 40 questions on this question paper.
  • Each question carries one mark.
  • Dedicate no more than 20 minutes to each section
  • The answers are to be written in lowercase
  • The test duration is 60 minutes
  • Complete answering questions from all 3 Sections before clicking on the Submit button

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"The driving exam was a cup of tea. Super easy!"

"Train travel vs Travelling by plane: How can we compare that! It's like comparing apples to oranges."

"My older sister has always been the apple of the eye of my parents."

What is common between the above sentences?

Hint: Every line has one or two food items mentioned.

These are called Idioms. These are expressions used to make the language more colorful. When you combine certain words (such as time flies) or certain objects (like it was a piece of cake), it takes a figurative meaning which immediately lets the listener imagine the situation or what is being told. If you were told that he was as busy as popcorn in a skillet. Can you imagine popcorn's popping away vigorously in a popcorn machine? Yes, you can! This is why food idioms are so popularly used. People can relate to them, and thinking about food brings pleasant memories. Who does not enjoy talking about food, and well, eating food!


Source: dreamstime, dreamstime, creativemarket

In the next few days, we are going to be talking about food, food, and more food! Other than at least three square meals a day namely breakfast, lunch, and dinner, we end up spending so much time with food in our daily routines. We eat it, think about it and talk about it. It can make us think of home or remember our grandmother’s cooking with love. Food can be an adventure when we explore new tastes and cultures. We take pleasure in food. We enjoy it with our friends at dinners and picnics.

What’s the first thing that comes to your mind when you read that word?

  • McDonald's McVeggie burger!
  • Haldiram's pani puri
  • Ching's Chicken Schezwan or
  • Mamma’s crispy homemade aloo paratha!

Be it simple homemade food or an exotic dish from a popular restaurant, each one of us has our favorites. One of the basic needs to sustain life, food, makes most of us happy and brings a smile to our faces. After a long day at college or work, a scrumptious snack uplifts our mood and spirits. Food is important not only for survival but is also the ingredient that binds us with our friends and family.

Why is "food" a good conversation topic?

All of us who eat – and that’s everyone, of course – have a real relationship with food. Because we eat food, naturally we are going to talk about food. Who doesn't have something to say about food? You would definitely agree that the next best thing to eating food, is talking about it. Even though people love food so much and think about food in just the right way but why is it so difficult to find words when talking about it?

So, what’s a good way to talk about the food we like/dislike? In this module, we are going to learn how to have an interesting talk about food. We’re going to explore the vocabulary and phrases used while talking about food. We will talk about the favorite choice of food, cuisines which go back to our hometown, your cultural background, recipes that have been in the family for generations, about restaurants, about your food choices. In short, we will be learning how to strike an engaging Food conversation in a manner that comes as a natural part of our daily lives.

Thinking about food brings yummy memories. So, when you talk about food, it cannot be bland. No one likes "bland " food conversations.

Talking of which - do you know what bland means?


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