Talking about how to make your job fun and not be bored at work



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Breaking everyday monotony at work!


Korn Ferry, a management consulting firm in USA, conducted a survey on why people look for a new job in 2018. According to the survey result, the top reason why people leave company is because


Yes! Those endless cups of caffeine is of little help! The boring monitoring of invoices, the drab quarterly board meetings or the filling out of your monthly expense reports, the everyday status meeting where you can exactly predict which team member will say what; there are a lot of these mind numbing moments your day-to-day work that you don't like. There are bound to be a few duties that you simply dread, a few mundane tasks or responsibilities. There are dozens of websites which give innovative solutions to break the monotony. Here are some ideas for instance.



You could get creative and instill moments of fun in what you do. Take this traffic cop for instance.

The Moonwalker cop.


Click on the link, enjoy the video and answer the questions below.


Which famous international artist's signature dance step is it?


Majority of people dread the time they're about to start work and cherish the time they're about to end work; and if its the beginning of the week, the boredom quotient increases exponentially. There are times when we feel that we really do not get anything accomplished in office, except this...


What part of your job do you really dread doing?


Given that you do not have a choice and will have to continue doing what you answered in the above question - how can you make it more interesting? Just like the traffic cop added some fun to his mundane job, think out of the box and answer the question.


If there are days when you drag yourself to work, or sit at your desk and think why have I landed here - Stop - Pause - and take a look at these jobs. By the end of this read, we promise you, you'd be thankful for what you have.


1. Frozen Pea Tester.

The person who tests the temperature of frozen peas on a production line.

2. Tablet Picker.

The person who picks the broken tablets out before packaged.

3. Label Sticker.

The person who sticks labels on boxes and envelopes.

4. Almond Grader.

The person who loads almonds into a machine so they can be separated by size and packaged.

5. Beetroot Pickling Line Cleaner.

The person who has to clean up the rotten beetroot bits off the floor, when they’ve been picked out from the production line.

6. Washing Powder Weigher.

The person who had to make sure 500g of washing powder goes into the box.

7. Envelope Stuffer.

The person who stuffs hundreds of envelopes a day.

8. Envelope Sticker (or Licker).

The person who closes the envelopes, once stuffed.

9. Manual Un-subscriber.

The person who had to manually unsubscribe thousands of people from a mailing list.

10. Paint Watcher.

The person who literally has to watch paint dry.

11. Odor Judges.

In order to test the effectiveness of new products, ‘odor judges’ are hired to smell volunteers’ breath, feet, and armpits.

Now think about what you do. If you are full of gratitude for you what your 9 to 5 job, leave smiles  as a response.

Oh, almost forgot. Here is another odd job! I bet you would not mind sleeping to get paid :)

Professional Sleeper.

Professional Sleepers doze off while scientists conduct research on sleep disorders. 
