yes, Let's!



  • There are 40 questions on this question paper.
  • Each question carries one mark.
  • Dedicate no more than 20 minutes to each section
  • The answers are to be written in lowercase
  • The test duration is 60 minutes
  • Complete answering questions from all 3 Sections before clicking on the Submit button

    Supported Devices
  • are fully supported.
  • Mobiles are partially supported (landscape mode only), for best exam taking experience please consider using a PC or a laptop.

Yes Let's !


Welcome to today's Class !!

This time why don't you start the game 

Image result for YES LET'S


Put on your dancing shoes ! 

Image result for YES LET'S


Let's do the floss

Image result for floss dance gif


Trivia Time

Do you know who discovered this dance move " Floss"?

He calls himself The Backpack Kid, aka 16-year-old Russell Horning, who has 2 million followers in Instagram.

Image result for how did backpack kid became famous

There he is at Saturday Night Live Appearance with Kate Perry doing his signature move

After the performance with Katy Perry, the dance move he did on the show became his signature move. He calls it “The Russell,” while some call it “flossing.”


Let's explore the word of other famous people - not real , fictional people.. called the superheros !! 
