DIY Board Game - Introduction to Board game narrative



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Design your Own Board Game


We will learn how to Design Our Own Board Game 

Image result for board game designer

Your idea, your theme, your characters and your rules.. In the next few days we will have a Board Game which you probably can Patent.

Let's begin . 

Step 1: What's the main theme?  

Pick any board game, it has a theme. Let's Pick Candy Land for instance. It is game absent strategy but with beautiful names for a place called "Candy Land". The pieces move through a sweetened landscape based on color so it appeals to children who cannot read. Who wouldn't want to stop at Gumdrop Pass or go through Lollipop Woods 

Image result for board game candy history

At this step think of an overall theme you want for your board game. Let's look at at least 5 to 6 options . 

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Here are some questions to help you with each step.


Can we think Cartoon Characters. Who is your favourite cartoon character? It could be Dora, Chhota Bheem, Mickey Mouse or Doraemon.

For example, the game could be based on Dora with an exciting story that you think up with Dora and her friends in mind.


It could be a Sport themed Board game . Which is your favourite sport? Cricket, Football, Swimming

You could choose the theme of a football game where you decide the rules and players.


Superhero Themed Board games are always a hit.  Do you want to give that a try?


How about adapting a board game theme on a story or your a book you really liked. Like Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, Snow White..


Here is another thought - Who would you like to be when you grow up? Doctor, Chef,  Pilot, Astronaut. You could design a board game around building hospitals or board game could be in the kitchen of a 5 star hotel where you have Chef's and Sous Chef's and Pasty Chef's whipping up all yummy things. 

Your Board Game Narrative


Step 2 : Build the Narrative

Once you have picked the theme , the next you need to build a narrative around the Board game . Which means you have to build a story . Let's break it down into 3 simple steps

Objective of Story 

For instance if you chose a fireman theme, the main story idea would be that the firemen have to put out the fire on the building. Or if you choose to construct a story around chef ( taking the earlier example) - the objective of the story can be to finish making a 5 course meal. 

Story Structure

Once you have the main idea in mind, move to the finer details of the story.  How does your story begin. What happens next. What are the challenges that arise. What solutions do you have for those challenges. How does the story end. For now, make a general story structure with these elements. As we go along we will integrate this story along with the Mechanics of the game.  


Once you have the structure in place, you will also be talking about characters. Since this is your first board game keep characters to the minimum. Snakes and ladders is a simple game with 2 characters/ players ..challenges snake eats player , player score reduces, player reaches ladder, his score increases. It is a simple logic. More than the story and characters the logic that you have for the game is important. 

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Let's work on the above mentioned steps one at a time. Before we begin, ensure that you keep the story structure, the no of players very very simple. 


You have a theme in mind. What is your main idea of the story that supports that theme. Let's brainstorm.


Questions to help build story structure 

Let's move to the story structure. Let's answer a few questions that will help us build the structure 

Imagine the settings... Where do you want the story to begin? Is it outdoors? Indoors?


Who is the main character of your story? 


what happens in the beginning of the story?


Any story comes with challenges / problems or as we call it "Conflict". That's what makes the story interesting. And that is exactly what will make a board game interesting. Let's list down the challenges that can come up .. atleast 5 , we can narrow it down later.


Every problem has to have a solution. For all the challenges that you had come up with in the earlier question, formulate the solution


Choose the best 3 challenges and corresponding solutions.


Make a list of characters that is needed. Preferable to keep the characters ( i.e players for board game) to a minimum of 4. Since it is the first board game you are designing, it is wise to start with just 2 players.


Combine the entire story .. let's see how it looks when its put together. 



For next class please bring -

1. A4 paper/ Chart Paper / Construction paper 

2. Rough sheets to make the prototype

3. Eraser, pencil, colored pen

4. Ruler / Scale
