Coming back to the story.. Remember we spoke about the photos on the call. What kind of photos do you have at your house?
Pictures of vacations? Family Pictures? Pictures of celebrations .. what else?
Well, Parineeti's collection were very different from yours.
One glimpse at her photos that are randomly put around the walls and you’ll know what I am talking about. These were not photos from Disneyland or her vacation with her brother, grandparents and cousins. They were different looking… people .. err. Not exactly people, creatures if we may see in these pics.
At this point , we will share a secret. Promise to not tell anyone and zip your lips
Here is it !
When Parth and Parineeti go to sleep, their bedroom flies . Just their bedroom.
The Brother and sister duo never know where they’d be when they wake up.
Each time they would land in a magical land. And magically they would acquire the magic that is prevalent in that world.
Just the other day - they landed in Rainbow City.
This is the land of Yeti’s. Not just ordinary Yeti’s. This is a colony of these lovely beasts where every Yeti has a unique magical ability to absorb a particular color from around them and change it into a magical spell.
Every Yeti is born with a power to absorb just one color. Every color has a magic of its own which only reveals once the Yeti soaks in the color. So in rainbow land, Every yeti is a wizard or a witch
Let's take an example. Do you know what this ? This is twilight.. a time when it is not day nor dark- the time in between. Notice the colors in the sky. Usually during this time, Clouds in the west are illuminated by orange-red sunlight, while the ones in the east remain in blue and indigo
What does Twilight have to do with a yeti?
There is a family of Yeti’s called the Twilight-ies who can absorb this color each time the sun sets. That gives the them the power to heal other Yeti’s.
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