India and Sports



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Men in Blue and Kabaddi


Now, let's come to the country that we live in. It should not come as a surprise that the most loved game in India currently is Cricket.

Image result for Cricket     Image result for Cricket

Nothing brings India's spirit together like cricket does. Two strangers in front of a TV that is showing a cricket match will consider themselves to be the best of kins as they'd have a lot in common to talk about at that moment.

The country becomes one during such a match!

The sport's popularity gave rise to the Indian Premier League in which cricketers from different countries participate! In India, IPL's are a great way to start a conversation. When you start singing 'Korbo Lorbo Jeetbo re' an IPL enthusiast would start singing along; and you'll have a minimum of 3 things to talk about - KKR; The team that the both of you support; and of course, Shah Rukh Khan.

Here are a few terms associated with cricket!

  • Bowled
  • Bowling
  • Front foot
  • Catch/Run out
  • Leg before wicket
  • Outswing
  • Gully
  • Stumped
  • Century

We all know a lot about cricket, but there are still a few facts and stories that would boost up your conversation level in terms of cricket!


Did you know that before cricket, the most popular sport in India was Hockey? 

It was so important that it was India's unofficial National Sport. The hockey team faced many defeats, and because of India's 1983 Cricket World Cup Victory against West Indies, the sport was on the rise. All the tables turned under the captainship of Kapil Dev. It made the people see another side of the Indian Cricket Team making the masses believe that even India could win!

Image result for 1983 Cricket World Cup

Players like Kapil Dev, Navjot Singh Siddhu, Sunil Gavaslar popularised the game and then the protege - Sachin Tendulkar boosted everything up to another level.

Do you personally know a person that questions Sachin's gameplay?

Then came the captain cool, making India win another World Cup, and boosting people's interests in the game.

Image result for 2011Cricket World Cup     Image result for 2011Cricket World Cup

Here are some phrases that can make your conversations interesting!

  • There is such a contrast between the boiling captain Kohli, and the cool captain Dhoni!
  • Nothing beats Yuvraj Singh hitting 6 straight sixers in one over!
  • How can one forget Dada waving his shirt in the air at Lords!
  • The partnership of VVS Lakshman and Rahul Dravid was yet another reason for India's victory!
  • Adam Gilchrist and M.S. Dhoni are two amazing wicket keepers!
  • The life and struggles of Inzamam-ul-Haq are accounted for in an essay called 'Inzy let's things flow over him'.
  • Australia's two consecutive world cup wins under the captainship of Ricky Ponting were glorious!

Now, can you think of a sport that originated in India?

Here's a hint!

Ayye kabaddi kabaddi kabaddi…!!

Can you recognise the chant of this game?

Its name is Kabaddi.

It is sometimes also called the "game of masses" because of the tremendous public appeal it has and its simplicity.

Image result for Kabaddi     Image result for Kabaddi

The main objective of this sport is to gain maximum points by the end of the game by removing members from the other team.

The playing field is divided into two parts, separated by a line in the centre. During the game, one player from a team crosses this line and enters into its opponent’s side. This player is known as the raider. Raider must continuously chant kabaddi without breaking his breath and cross the buck line to validate his raid. If while the raid, the raider’s breath is broken, the raider is considered to be out and a point is given to the opponent team. To gain points for his own team, the raider must touch the member of the opponent team and return to it’s team side. In case, the opponent team catches the raider and restricts him/her from returning to their side, the raider is said to be out.

If during the match, the whole team is out, extra points are given to the opponent and all 7 members come inside the field for further raids.

The origin of the game traces back to Tamil Nadu, and it has now become its State game; along with that of Andhra Pradesh, Telangana, and Punjab.

It has many other names as well:

  • Chedugudu in Southern India
  • Kaunbada in Northern India
  • Ha du du in Eastern India
  • Hu tu tu in Western India

The sport has a massive importance in India's neighboring countries like Bangladesh and Nepal too; it has even got the status of Bangladesh's national sport. Today, the sport is played in many nations such as Maldives, Spain, Argentina, Italy, Belgium, Denmark and the USA, among others.

The popularity of the game gave rise to an Indian kabaddi  tournament which is known as Pro Kabaddi League.


Read the passage and answer the following questions.


Cricket unites the spirit of India.

Write about the particular cricket match that you look forward to the most.


Apart from our country's team, which cricket team would you call your favourite, and why?


India does not have a National Sport.

What according to you can be the reason for that?


Which cricket player do you love to follow the most, and why?


There are many different sports that originated in India. Some of them you must have played while growing up.

Write about them.


Fill in the blanks with the help of following words!

M.S. Dhoni, Mumbai, Sri Lanka, India, 2011, Sixer, 2nd, ODI,Wankhede Stadium


The most recent Indian victory in the Cricket World Cup was on 2nd April ____. It was an ____ match played between India and _____. The world cup was hosted by 3 countries - Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, and _____; and the final was held in the  _____ stadium in _____. The match was won under the captainship of _____, and was India's _____ World Cup victory. The most memorable moment of the match was the winning _____ by Dhoni, which also gave him the Player of the Match title. The winning of the World Cup on the home ground made the victory much more beautiful.
