Contextual Vocabulary on School: Day 1



  • This test consists of 3 Tasks
  • Record your answers by activating the record functionality in your browser
  • Press the record icon when you want to record an answer
  • Press the play button to start recording
  • Press the pause button to stop the recording and download your recorded answer
  • Upload the file to submit your answer

    Supported Devices
  • are fully supported.
  • Mobiles are partially supported (landscape mode only), for best exam taking experience please consider using a PC or a laptop.

Let's talk about your school !


This session is designed to help the students describe their school in a more articulate way. The session uses fun activities that invigorate the memories of the students, leading them to describe the smallest details of their school in an eloquent fashion.

This particular session deals with the ride to school and the first day in school.

PPT  - 

Trainer Document for younger students -


Hope you enjoyed this session
