A Chef's Life



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  • The test duration is 60 minutes
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Design your food truck


Four wheels and a chimney: Meet the food truck makers who are making grub  on the go a possibility - The Hindu

What is this?

A mobile kitchen  !! Have you ever had food from a food truck. Do you know the size of a food truck ?   You could probably just fit in 3 of these industrial ovens and there would be just enough space to walk around. 

Industrial Oven Manufacturers In India | Commercial Oven Price In India -  The GrafytSource : https://thegrafyt.com/commercial-oven/

Is nt it amazing  how the most delicious food items comes out of these tiny space


Food truck menu template fast food brochure menu Vector Image

Now imagine that you have to design the kitchen layout for your mobile kitchen. Yes your family has decided to start a food truck business and they have kept you in charge of how everything is placed inside the kitchen. Where the burner should be, oven should be ( or do you even need one) , how about prep space ? Where would you keep the spices? Its all up to you design . its is a big job , because if the layout is not "ergonomically designed" we all know it can be disastrous. Here is how you can sketch your design for the interiors



Time to think like an architect


Here are some things that need to consider 

  • Ergonomics is the number one consideration in the design of kitchen space. Your kitchen should be designed for maximum labor efficiency, safety and functionality. How would you plan it
  • Any difficulties you might face in a mobile kitchen, for eg - space
  • The kind of food you will serve- Design your own menu
  • The amount of food -- considering that you have limited space compared to a restaurant kitchen. How will you manage demand and supply?
  • Safety is paramount when it comes to design. You will need to consider food safety as a high priority when it comes to considering the layout. This could include good ventilation, cleaning zones -isolated from food areas.
  • With limited space, how would you ensure all of this
  • Dont forget to name your food truck

Before sketching and drawing put your thoughts in words . start with what you would sell.. you probably do not even need an oven or a grill if you are going to be selling smoothies and ice creams. 

Here are some pictures of food truck for inspiration 


Let's look at a layout- remember to look at it only after you make your design. It will be good fun to compare this with what your have made . think of reasons why yours is better than the one below
