Celebrating Our Differences!



  • This test consists of 2 Tasks
  • Each question carries one mark.
  • Spend no more than 20 minutes on Task 1
  • Spend no more than 40 minutes on Task 2
  • Upload the scanned copy of your answer in the space provided below the questions

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Celebrating Our DIfferences!


Did you go through the pre-read? What did you think about the story?

What was your favourite part of the story?

We saw so many differences between Sowmya’s two sets of grandparents. Please recap all the differences that were highlighted in the story.

Her Ammumma celebrated Onam and her Dada-Dadi celebrated Lohri. Why is that?

Do you have friends who celebrate different festivals from you just like Sowmya’s grandparents?

Why do people in different parts of the world celebrate different festivals?

Do you think her grandparents only had cultural differences?

Do you think they also had differences in their physical appearances as well?

People around India look different! Sowmya’s ammumma was from Kerala. People from Kerala are known to have luscious curly hair and beautiful big eyes. Sowmya’s dada and dadi was from Chandigarh. People from Chandigarh are renowned for their beautiful milky white skin and pin straight hair.

Where are you from? Are you aware of any features that are distinct to your state or culture? What are they?

Why do you think this is? We all live in India. Then, why does one person from one state look different to another?

UNITY IN DIVERSITY (@esrar69) | Twitter

Not only different states, everywhere you look, people look different from each other. For instance, your best friend and you might have a lot of similarities but you probably don't look the same!

Why is that? There are various reasons for this.The place in which we live plays one of the biggest roles in this.  

For instance, the most unique thing about people who live in desert areas have thicker eyelids and eyelashes? This is to protect them from the heat and the sand.

Similarly, eskimos who live in the Arctic have extremely pale and flaky skin. The pale skin colour is because of the lack of sun and the flakiness is because of extreme cold.

4,810 Eskimo Stock Photos, Pictures & Royalty-Free Images - iStock

People in Ireland are known for their red hair. This is to adapt against the sun, it’s believed that they developed red hair to protect them against the sun. This helps them absorb Vitamin D. Vitamin D is a vitamin that our body gets from the sun

The 6 Shades of Red Hair: Which Specific Color Are You?

People who live near the equator have more melanin in their skin

What is melanin?

Melanin is a chemical in our skin that affects our skin colour. More melanin means your skin will be golden brown and less melanin will make your skin milky white.

People who live near the equator have beautiful tanned skin. This is because they are exposed to more UV rays from the sun. UV rays are harmful rays that the sun possesses. Greater exposure to UV rays can be very harmful.


Please answer the questions!


What was the story about?


Why does the skin colour of people differ around the world?


According to you, what is melanin?


In your opinion, how do different types of people make the world more interesting?
