Enabling parents in Health and Hygiene



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Enabling parents


Maintaining personal hygiene is not only required to boost the immunity, but also to contain the spread of contagious diseases. In the current circumstances, its importance cannot be emphasized enough. Hence, along with teachers, parents should teach the child all about basic personal hygiene and some good habits to maintain it.

Here’s what the teachers should encourage the parents to teach their children about hygiene-

Food hygiene

It is important to maintain hygiene when eating, serving, or preparing food to prevent bacteria from spreading from one person to another. When you are teaching your children about food hygiene, start with the basics – talk to them about germs and bacteria. It is essential to encourage them to wash hands before eating, after eating, and every time if they have been to the toilet or were playing outside. Teach them to clean their hands thoroughly so that there are no traces of soap left. Ask them to wash hands frequently when helping in the kitchen, as vegetables, raw meat, and food materials may be carrying bacteria before they are cooked.

Sanitary and Hygienic Design Guide for Food Equipment - MPC

Source - https://www.mpofcinci.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/stockfresh_7084770_kitchen-food-sanitation-icon_sizeXS-min.jpg

Oral hygiene:

An unclean mouth can give out bad odor and cause cavities, which can be avoided when children have good oral hygiene. Here is how we can encourage them to keep their teeth and mouth clean:

  • Teach the child to brush teeth twice daily, and clean even the corners of the mouth thoroughly
  • Teach them how to floss and remind them to do it each time they brush
  • Ask them to gargle with water after having food and especially after eating candies & chocolates.
  • Simple measures like gargling with warm salt water or using a mouthwash once in a while can very effective preventing oral infections
  • Clean hands

5 Ways Poor Oral Hygiene Can Impact Your Life | Kirkland Family Dentistry

Body hygiene:

Body hygiene includes taking care of all the body parts which if not washed properly, can get infections very soon. Here’s how:

The skin is the largest organ in the body. It covers and protects all the other organs from external elements while being exposed to different kinds of microorganisms. A proper bath for your child is required everyday to get rid off all the dirt on the body

Poor hair care in children can lead to issues like head lice, dandruff, and other scalp infections. Children should be taught to take care of hair along with their skin. It is important to wash their hair at least twice a week to keep it free from dirt and grease

Children who wear shoes all day, especially without socks, tend to accumulate more dirt on their feet, which the bacteria feed off. Instruct your child to wash their feet every time they go out and come into the house (from playground, school, etc.). Clean their feet properly by scrubbing with soap between the toes, the soles of the feet, and under the toenails.

33,367 Personal Care Stock Illustrations, Cliparts and Royalty Free  Personal Care Vectors

Source - https://us.123rf.com/450wm/yusufdemirci/yusufdemirci1812/yusufdemirci181200104/114294624-vector-illustration-of-personal-care.jpg?ver=6

Hygiene when sick

Children tend to get affected by common colds around six to eight times a year, and that’s why it is important to teach them about health hygiene to prevent germs and bacterial infections from spreading. When your child is down with the flu or any other infectious illness, remind them about the below pointers:

  • Ask them to avoid close contact with other kids
  • Make it their habit to use a tissue to cover the mouth when they cough or sneeze to prevent germs from spreading around. Some viruses like influenza spread through droplets so teach your kid to use a cloth or a handkerchief to cover the mouth when they speak
  • Ask them to wash their hands frequently
  • Ask them to not share food, water, bedclothes, or other things with anybody that may spread germs to others in the family

Reminder: Cold, Flu and Hand Hygiene Can Prevent Illness in Yourself and  Others — CCHD

Source - https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5c4085e585ede1f50f94a4b9/1580231872915-K7V80C1J654U1P5POBRV/Cough+Cold+HygieneWHO.PNG

Hygienic environment:

Maintaining hygiene at home is very important and should be imbibed from a young age in your child.

  • Tell them to keep their surroundings clean and everything in its place
  • Make them put the bowl or plate in the sink after they eat a meal and wash their hands
  • Teach them to clean if they spill or drop something on the floor or any other surface. If your kid is too young to be able to clean it, help and teach him do it
  • Let them follow basic toilet and bathroom cleanliness standards – they must flush the toilet after use, use the restroom supplies, throw used tissues or other garbage in the bin, etc.

How to Increase Awareness for Cleanliness | InfoAedia

Source - http://infoaedia.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/10/cleanliness.jpg

Parents are the first and the best teachers, as children learn a lot just by observing and replicating their actions. If you are following hygienic habits at home, your child will copy them and eventually learn them. We cannot teach children basic personal hygiene habits overnight. Developing healthy habits is a process that takes time and should be handled patiently by both parents and teachers.


Summarize what you have learned about health and hygiene for children to your master trainer.
