The boy who went to the moon. Activity 1 Grammar and Vocab



  • There are 40 questions on this question paper.
  • Each question carries one mark.
  • Dedicate no more than 20 minutes to each section
  • The answers are to be written in lowercase
  • The test duration is 60 minutes
  • Complete answering questions from all 3 Sections before clicking on the Submit button

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The Boy Who Went To The Moon.

Not too long ago there lived a boy. His name was Mohan. Mohan loved looking up at the Big big sky.

He loved seeing the big round moon.

He told his mother “I want to go to the moon”.

His mother told him, “You are too small. You need to become big”

Mohan asks, “How big?”

Mohan was not happy he could not wait to go to the moon!

He remembered reading somewhere that the moon was made of the most delicious cheese! And all the water on the moon was made of butter!

All little Mohan could think of was of the moon and all the fun he would have on the moon.  Bouncing around eating all the cheese he wanted!

At night he was at his window staring at the moon, it was so bright against the dark sky.

Then he saw something move, it was a red balloon, floating higher and higher closer and closer to the moon!

That gave him an idea! If balloons could float up to the moon then he could too! He would just need a lot of balloons!

The next day he did all his work and clean the house. His mother asked him what he wanted for a reward.

He screamed out loud, “I want a red balloon!”

So she bought him the brightest and biggest red balloon she could find.

The next day he again did all of his work and helped his father clean the car. Again for his reward, he asked for a red balloon.

This was Mohan’s plan he would be the best little boy and do all of his work. This way he would get loads of red balloons.

Every day for the next 5 years, he did all of his work on time, helped his parent, and asked for a red balloon as a reward. Finally, he had a huge cloud of hundreds of red balloons.

He tied the balloons to his arms and legs and floated up into the sky, going closer and closer to the big round moon.


Question and Answers

It's time to answer some questions! 


What’s the name of the boy in the story?

Upload the downloaded audio in the below uploader to save

Can you find all of the words with Capital letters?


Why did the boy want to get to the moon?


What do you think the moon is made of?


What do you think you would find on the moon?


How big do you think the moon is?

Sunday Picnic


Let's watch a video!


Guided Speaking


Let's see if you can tell how Mohan would get back from the moon! 


Mohan went to the moon because he loved cheese very much. He thought that the moon was made of cheese… but the truth is that the moon can be made of anything that a child wants! It can be made of _____, or _____, or _____, or _____, or _____ ! 

So curious to eat the cheese on the moon, Mohan went to the moon. When he reached the moon he saw _____, and _____, and _____, and _____, and _____.  He was very happy!

But after some time he realised that he is stuck on the moon! He wanted to go back home.

He thought and thought and thought… and finally found a way…. __________________________________________________

Match the Column


Match the column with the correct opposites! 


Home Assignment


Time to go to the moon! 


What would you do if you were to go to the moon for a week?
