Life Cycle of a Butterfly



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  • The test duration is 60 minutes
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Life Cycle of a Butterfly


Name of the Activity: Life Cycle of a Butterfly

Topic: Life Cycle of a Butterfly

Sub Module: Life Cycles

Module: Zoology

Subject: Culture

Cross-Functional Use:

Age Group: B

Activity Type: In-Class Presentation

Duration of the Activity: 30 mins

Tools Needed for this Activity: PPT of the lesson plan

Learning Objective:

Awareness of life cycles.

Awareness that living things are interconnected and that life is a never-ending cycle, even though individuals die.

Provide more practice at observation skills required for any matching activities.

Extend the child's vocabulary

Content coverage brief :

The student will learn about lifecycles and the never-ending process of life.


The teacher needs to see :

Is the child able to understand the concept of a lifecycle?

Is the child able to identify the terminology related to different phases in the life cycle of a butterfly?

Instructional objectives

Help children learn about the life cycle of a butterfly

Pedagogical tools used

In-Class activity, ppt

Instructional Procedure:

Start the activity by asking children when the last time they saw a butterfly was. Ask them whether they have ever seen a caterpillar. Tell them that a caterpillar grows into a beautiful butterfly.

Then, ask them what the life cycle means. Tell them that a life cycle is the series of forms into which a living thing changes as it develops. Give them examples of humans. Like, we are born as babies, then we become toddlers, then children, teenagers and then adults and lastly elderly adults.

Just like different animals, plants and insects have different life cycles. Today, we’re going to learn about the life cycle of a butterfly.

The life cycle of a butterfly is truly amazing. Butterflies have four life stages, the egg, the larva (caterpillar), the pupa (chrysalis), and the adult butterfly.

Keep children engaged in the activity by asking them questions about the stage that you have just finished.

Also, ask them questions like “When was the last time you saw a butterfly?” “Have you ever seen a caterpillar?” etc.


Trainer instruction for activity closure:

Post Class:

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This document is for trainer reference only
