I can count
Age Group Level 2
Module: Math
Sub-Module: Numeracy
Content coverage brief: Counting up to 10 is the base of all mathematical operations. These worksheets provide fun and interesting activities that engage kids and reinforce the numbers they are hearing or saying.
Name of the activity: L2_ Maths_M2D11_ I can count
Prerequisite activity: NA
Activity Type In-Class Presentation
Duration of the activity: 15 mins
Cross-Functional Use: Language
Setup (Tools Needed for this Activity) -Visual images
Instructional objectives: To introduce the concept of linking objects to numerals Numbers are a basic foundation of all decimal operations. courses, we start with counting up to 9 and moving on to 10 and then higher numbers.
Instructional procedure
Greet the child with a big bright smile.
Gently ask them to count loudly from 1 to 9.
Do you want to count these elephants? Get an enthusiastic yes.
Demonstrate the first example
The teacher needs to see :
Is the child able to count properly?
Is the child able to say the numerals correctly?
Post Class:
The child can do worksheets sent via email by the teacher.