Which and Which goes in a Sandwich



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Digging Deep


What is the doggy up to?

Today we will do some digging too!!..... not for bones but for information

“What happens?”

“Why does it happen?”

“When will it happen?”

“How things happen?”

“Where does it happen?”

“Who makes it happen?”

What was for breakfast?


What went in  making your breakfast?

This is my sandwich !

What went in?



Where do we get our bread from?

How does the bread come to the shop ? Is bread grown on trees? Well bakers bake them in their bakery but 

“How do they do it?”

"What do they use?” 

Bread essentially is made from the following ingredients :


Flour is derived from wheat which is a crop grown by farmers! 

How wheat is cultivated

The wheat is crushed into flour in a Flour Mill. A set of engineers have crafted those very efficient flour grinding equipment. And a set of mill workers using these equipment turn the wheat into flour. Engineering needs a lot of math calculation and measurements ! 

How flour is manufactured?

How does the flour reach us?

The flour is packed and sent to the market from where we buy it. Again it is the work of a group of mechanical engineers who designed the packing machines and a set of workers who use it to pack and then the storekeeper who sells it to us. Storekeepers need to know their money math really well!

Also we cannot forget that the wheat and the flour is carried from one place to another by huge trucks! It is some automobile engineer who designed and built those trucks and some efficient truck drivers  who drive them. Math, science and other skills go hand in hand to make each efficient in their workplace.


Salt is manufactured by salt farmers from rock salt, from seawater and other natural and artificial brines (salty water)

This is how a salt factory looks

Salt Factory

How is salt manufactured


Yeast is a living microorganism that means living things just like us but are way tinier! Where do you think they come from?

What about you? Where did "you" come from? One day we will talk about all this! we will find how life evolved on our planet. 

As of now let’s have a look at Yeasts.

Yeast can be grown in factories with the help of yeast cells and molasses from sugarcane juice or other sugar rich products.

Let’s tour a Yeast manufacturing factory.

Since Yeast is a microorganism, the production of Yeast will involve the work of microbiologists, chemical engineers along with mechanical engineers and skilled workers. And can you guess what knowledge they need to have?


Natural sources of water


Lakes                                                                      Rivers                                                                  

Wells                                                                              Tube wells

Though water is available abundantly in nature yet the water we drink or use for cooking etc is actually purified water / treated water. We might be buying packaged water or have a water filter at home or a RO attached to our kitchen. Even the tap water we use for other purposes is actually treated water.

Whatever be the method of treatment / purification, it's the work of a group of  a set of engineers to build the machines, workers to use the machines to process the water, a set of people to help in transporting the water to the market and finally delivered to our homes.


Baker Baking Breads

Semi Manual Baking


Automatic Bread making

So in a nutshell it takes knowledge and effort from various domains to get that slice of bread that goes in making a sandwich. 



Where do we get our cheese from? 

We will surely get the cheese again from the grocery store.

But who puts the cheese in those aisles??? Where and how is cheese made? What is cheese made from?

Cheese is a dairy product and is made from Milk that we get from cows, buffaloes or even goats!

Dairy farmers rear the milch animals who give us milk.

Now the milk is processed in a cheese factory to make the cheese.

Think of the lovely packaging in which our cheese comes! Who do you think designs those? A designer!

Have you seen the advertisement for Amul butter? It is some famous and efficient designer who created these.

So just like bread, even cheese needs a lot of effort from various people and knowledge domains. Dairy farming engineering, math, and even arts!



Next up Tomatoes and Cucumbers!

Both tomatoes and cucumbers are grown by farmers and sold to us via vegetable vendors.

The cultivation involves a whole lot of machinery, fertilizers, and physical efforts and know-hows from farmers.

Inside a tomato field

Inside a cucumber vine

Did you even guess so much effort and knowledge went in to get your salad?



So children, what do you think is common between all these animals?

Yes!!! they all lay eggs, 

Whose eggs are used in my sandwich?

Could be any egg but how do the eggs come to us?

Hey come take your eggs!!


Well that's not what happens isn't it? Any idea how the eggs from the birds get to us?

Free Ranch Farms

Poultry farms


Wrap up


So let's think again what all went in?

Where in do you want to contribute?
