Road Trip



  • There are 40 questions on this question paper.
  • Each question carries one mark.
  • Dedicate no more than 20 minutes to each section
  • The answers are to be written in lowercase
  • The test duration is 60 minutes
  • Complete answering questions from all 3 Sections before clicking on the Submit button

    Supported Devices
  • are fully supported.
  • Mobiles are partially supported (landscape mode only), for best exam taking experience please consider using a PC or a laptop.

Road Trip


Road Trip!

Have you ever been on one?

Let's go places today... Where do we go?

The Coastal Route


Let’s start from the east coast and go west!


Now what do you think is the most important part of planning the trip?



First let us see the states we will cover starting from West Bengal , Orissa, Andhra Pradesh and Tamil Nadu in the East and Kerala, Karnataka, Maharashtra, and Gujarat in the West.

We start from Bakkhali in West Bengal and, we will be touching each coastal city / town in each state. 

East Coast

WestBengal - Bakkhali

Orissa - Puri

Andhra Pradesh - Visakhapatnam

Tamil Nadu - Puducherry and Kanyakumari 

Now we will select the measure distance tool from the left panel and start measuring the distance between the coastal cities.

Write down the numbers in your notebook. 

Bakkhali to Puri - 315 kms

Puri to Visakhapatnam - 365 kms

Visakhapatnam to Puducherry - 600 kms

Puducherry to Kanyakumari  - 646 kms

Total Distance =  315 + 365 + 600 + 646 = ??? kms

Now let's check on the map.

Why do you think we got less kms? Did we do our math wrong?? 


Let's check the west coast and plan our trip!

Let us see the west coast in google map and decide which cities to halt at, starting from  Kanyakumari. For example :

West Coast

Tamil Nadu - Kanyakumari to Kochi

Kerala - Kochi

Karnataka - Mangalore

Goa -  Panaji

Maharashtra -  Mumbai

Gujarat -  Surat, Bhavnagar

Diu - Daman & Diu

Gujarat - Dwarka, Jamnagar, Mandvi, Koteshwar 

Kanyakumari to Kochi - 315 kms

Kochi to  Mangalore - 418 kms

Mangalore  to Panaji - 364 kms

Panaji to Mumbai - 529 kms

Mumbai to Surat - 290 kms

Surat to Bhavnagar - 357 kms

Bhavnagar to Diu - 200 kms

Diu to Dwarka - 320 kms

Dwarka to Jamnagar - 131 kms

Jamnagar to Mandvi - 320 kms

Mandvi to Koteshwar - 146 kms

Total distance =  315 + 418 + 364 + 529 + 290 + 357 + 200 + 320 + 131 + 320 + 146 = ???? kms

North to South


North  (Ladakh, J& k )  South  (Kanya Kumari, Tamil Nadu).

Ladakh (J & K)  to New Delhi - 988 kms

New Delhi to Bhopal (M.P)  - 765 kms

Bhopal to Hyderabad (Telangana) - 850 kms

Hyderabad to Bangalore (Karnataka) - 572 kms

Bangalore to KanyaKumari (Tamil Nadu) - 664 kms

Add up the distances:

988 + 765 + 850 + 572 + 664 = ???? kms

East to West


North  (Ladakh, J& k )  South  (Kanya Kumari, Tamil Nadu)

Anini to Guwahati (Assam)  - 988 kms

Guwahati  to Siliguri (West Bengal)   - 469 kms

Siliguri  to Lucknow (UP)  - 917 kms

Lucknow to Udaipur (Rajasthan) - 986 kms

Udaipur to Narayan Sarovar (Gujrat) - 708 kms

Add up the distances: 988 + 469 + 917 + 986 + 708 = ????  kms

All over India


Let's go all over places!!

This time we will fly!

Bangalore (Karnataka)  to Nagpur (Maharashtra) - 920 kms

Nagpur to Surat (Gujarat) - 650 kms

Surat to New Delhi - 948 kms

New Delhi to Patna  (Bihar) - 854 kms

Patna to Kohima (Nagaland) - 899 kms

How much did we travel now?
