What is “Difference”



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  • The test duration is 60 minutes
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What is difference?


What shall we take away from 6 to get 4?

Take out your weighing scale and put 6 blocks on one side and a 4 cuisenaire bar on the other side.

Now take away one block at a time to balance

So how many blocks did we remove ( take away)  from 6 to make a 4?

Now write the equation like this in your notebooks:

6 - 2 = 4

What you have been doing on the left hand side is “taking away” and we call it “Subtraction” in math and is shown by a “-” minus sign and since they are balanced, we use “equal” = symbol.

Subtraction is the opposite of Addition


When you take away 2 blocks from 6 blocks  you get 4 blocks. Now what if we add 2 blocks to 4 blocks ?

The curious case of 0


These doggies were given 6 candies to eat… They just sniffed and ate 0 candies. How many are left?

Make your model with the base 10 blocks and the cuisenaire rods again

Now take away 0 blocks

What will you put to balance?

Write the equation

6 - 0 = 6


…. And what if they ate them all!!

Make your model with the base 10 blocks

Now take away 6 blocks (all)

What will you put to balance?

Nothing!! ….. 0 …….

Write the equation

6 - 6 = 0

Who are we?


Can you take away 7 from 6? 
