Buildng blocks of universe



  • There are 40 questions on this question paper.
  • Each question carries one mark.
  • Dedicate no more than 20 minutes to each section
  • The answers are to be written in lowercase
  • The test duration is 60 minutes
  • Complete answering questions from all 3 Sections before clicking on the Submit button

    Supported Devices
  • are fully supported.
  • Mobiles are partially supported (landscape mode only), for best exam taking experience please consider using a PC or a laptop.

Buildng blocks of universe


  • But what is the inside matter?
  • What are all these solids, liquids, and gasses made up of?
  • Let’s see what is there inside the hair.  

What are these? How did we come to know all of these? How did we find that atoms exist?

Let’s watch the video below and learn how we came to know about atoms.

Click here to play the video: History of Atoms .mp4

Flame test:

