Number of times



  • There are 40 questions on this question paper.
  • Each question carries one mark.
  • Dedicate no more than 20 minutes to each section
  • The answers are to be written in lowercase
  • The test duration is 60 minutes
  • Complete answering questions from all 3 Sections before clicking on the Submit button

    Supported Devices
  • are fully supported.
  • Mobiles are partially supported (landscape mode only), for best exam taking experience please consider using a PC or a laptop.

Number of times


I have a deck of 52 Cards, each card is divided into 4 suits. How many cards does each suit have?




13 Cards in each suit!

Task 2- Sharing is Caring


What do you notice?  What do you wonder?

Focus Questions:  

How many M&M’s are there in the package?  

How many people can we share with?  

How many M&M’s will each person get?

Act 2: Information Stage

How many M&Ms will each child get if it were to be distributed among 4 children? Estimate.

Act 3: Revealing

The numerical representation of dividing 104 by 4.

Now what if this packet contained 2504 M&M’s, now how many will each of you get?




What do you notice?  What do you wonder?

Focus Questions:  

How many Skittles fit in the jar?  Estimate.

How many Skittle packages were used?

How many Skittles in one individual package?

Act 2: Information Stage


Task 3- Weighing on a Seesaw


What do you notice?  What do you wonder?

Focus Question:  

How many bricks will it take to balance out the seesaw?  Estimate.

Act 2: Information Stage

Act 3: Reveal

Extension: How many bricks will it take to balance you on the seesaw?  Estimate.


Task 4- Candy Corn


What do you notice?  What do you wonder?

How many scoops of candy will fill the bag? Estimate.

Act 2: Information Stage

Candies in a scoop

Candies in a bag



 Whenever the things are shared equally in different sets or a scenario that requires dividing a set of items into a given number of groups, where the number of items in each group is unknown, we perform division.

Task 5- Knot in a Rope

Annie had a 44cm long rope on which she tied a knot. A rope's length is shortened to 40cm after the knot. What is the knot's length? How many such knots will fit on the rope?

Act 2: Information Stage



Task 6- A small trip

Consider the following scenario: you and your pals have scheduled a trip to a local hill station. You made contact with a bus company to rent a bus for a week. Paul is employed as a bus driver. He informed you that the journey would be 240 KM long and that he would be traveling at a speed of 12 km per hour. What is the time it takes to get to the hill station?

On returning back home, Paul requested a payment of Rs 3560 at the end of the journey. You inquired as to how Paul arrived at this amount. Will you be able to assist Paul in calculating the daily travel costs?


Now that you've returned home, you and your buddies have chosen to split the cost of the vacation equally. You began to make a list of all the expenses that had occurred:

There were four people in total, including you. How much money does each individual have to pay you?

Your dearest friend was on the verge of running out of cash. As a result, he gave you his savings jar.

It was stuffed full of 5 rupee coins. To get to Rs 2145, how many coins would you remove?


Task 7- Stack of Money


What do you notice?  What do you wonder?

Focus Questions:  

How many notes of 20 are there in the stack?  


How many notes of 20 are there in the stack? Update your estimation.  

Act 3-  Reveal

