From Iron to Magnetism



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  • The test duration is 60 minutes
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From Iron to Magnetism


We came to know that earth has a magnetic field. How is it possible? Is it important for the earth?


The magnetic field is the invisible area of magnetic force around a magnet that causes it to attract or repel other magnets or magnetic materials.

We know that earth has a solid iron core. So how can iron create magnetic field?

What is stored in the battery? What is transferred to the nail through wire?

It is because when electrical charges, like electrons, move through a wire, they create a magnetic field around the wire. This magnetic field can attract or repel other magnetic objects.


Earth's inner core is made up of iron, which is a conducting material and very hot.

Outer core of earth is liquid iron. As the iron core is very hot it makes the liquid in the inner core to move like convection currents.

What do you think about this magnetic field of earth? Is it important for the earth? If yes, how?
