A Curious Construction



  • There are 40 questions on this question paper.
  • Each question carries one mark.
  • Dedicate no more than 20 minutes to each section
  • The answers are to be written in lowercase
  • The test duration is 60 minutes
  • Complete answering questions from all 3 Sections before clicking on the Submit button

    Supported Devices
  • are fully supported.
  • Mobiles are partially supported (landscape mode only), for best exam taking experience please consider using a PC or a laptop.

A Curious Construction


What do you notice and wonder?


Is there any number pattern in it?

Are the numbers written on both the circles related to each other? If yes, how?



This awe-inspiring construction begins with a simple task-

  1. Place any four numbers around a circle.
  2. For all the pairs of adjacent numbers subtract the smallest number from the larger.
  3. Write the result on the outer concentric circle.
  4. Repeat

Eventually, as you continue the process, you will find that your circle of operations has evolved into four identical numbers.


Curious Circle using Larger Numbers
