Digital Clock



  • There are 40 questions on this question paper.
  • Each question carries one mark.
  • Dedicate no more than 20 minutes to each section
  • The answers are to be written in lowercase
  • The test duration is 60 minutes
  • Complete answering questions from all 3 Sections before clicking on the Submit button

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What are these


A digital clock is a clock that shows the time in numbers. It usually has two digits for the hour and two digits for the minutes and two digit for seconds. For example, it might say 10:08: 59, which means it is 10 hours and 8 minutes 59 seconds. 

Travel Plans


Tick tock goes the hours


How many hours make a day?

We divide one day into two parts. 12 hours of day and 12 hours of night (roughly)

Am vs PM


What is AM and PM?

Ante Meridiem' and 'Post Meridiem' - From the Latin words meridies (midday), ante (before) and post (after), the term ante meridiem (a.m.) means before midday and post meridiem (p.m.) means after midday.


Arohanam Martandasya and  Patanam Martandasya - From Sanskrit words Martandasya (Sun), Arohanam (climbing up) and Patanam  (climbing down); So Arohanam Martandasya is climbing up or rising of the sun and PatanamMartandasya is teh climbing down or setting of the sun. 

24 hour Format


The 24-hour format just uses bigger numbers to show the time, and it goes all the way up to 24, which is the same as saying it's a new day! It's like having a clock that never takes a break and keeps counting all the hours in a day. So after reaching 12 noon it will say 13 instead of 1PM , 14 instead of 2 PM and likewise.

This is called the 24 hour format.

12 hours format

24 hours format)

12:00 AM

00:00 hours

01:00 AM

01:00 hours

02:00 AM

02:00 hours

03:00 AM

03:00 hours

04:00 AM

04:00 hours

05:00 AM

05:00 hours

06:00 AM

06:00 hours

07:00 AM

07:00 hours

08:00 AM

08:00 hours

09:00 AM

09:00 hours

10:00 AM

10:00 hours

11:00 AM

11:00 hours

12:00 PM

12:00 Noon

01:00 PM

13:00 hours

02:00 PM

14:00 hours

03:00 PM

15:00 hours

04:00 PM

16:00 hours

05:00 PM

17:00 hours

06:00 PM

18:00 hours

07:00 PM

19:00 hours

08:00 PM

20:00 hours

09:00 PM

21:00 hours

10:00 PM

22:00 hours

11:00 PM

23:00 hours


Recording your  Daily Routine


Wrap up


Wrap up

So what was the time of the travels in the boarding pass?  Well John Doe leaves New York at 10:30 AM ( morning ) and reaches London at 5:37 PM (evening).  

Now what about the Itenary?

The passenger will leave from Mumbai to Goa on 24th June at 12:40 Hours, so 12:40 is midday or midnight? Later on 29th June the passenger will leave from Goa to Mumbai at 14:20 hours.
