Interconnected science



  • There are 40 questions on this question paper.
  • Each question carries one mark.
  • Dedicate no more than 20 minutes to each section
  • The answers are to be written in lowercase
  • The test duration is 60 minutes
  • Complete answering questions from all 3 Sections before clicking on the Submit button

    Supported Devices
  • are fully supported.
  • Mobiles are partially supported (landscape mode only), for best exam taking experience please consider using a PC or a laptop.

Let’s make a poster!


This is the final concluding class, where all of you will have the chance to showcase your understanding of everything you've learned throughout this process. We've had so many fun and interesting activities in our Science classes, haven't we?

 Now, I want to hear from each one of you. 

What were your favorite activities and why did you find them interesting? 

What did you learn from each of these activities?


Now, I have a special task for all of you. I want each of you to create a poster that showcases all the fascinating things we learned about space, including planets, stars, constellations, astronauts, and astronomers. Take your time and let your creativity flow!

1,400+ Kids Making Poster Stock Photos, Pictures & Royalty-Free Images -  iStock


Chief Seattle quote: All things are connected. Whatever befalls the Earth,  befalls the...
